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Social engineering and abortion promotion – ideological postulations at the UN Forum

Published: 10.08.2020

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The UN again is promoting the demands of the LGBT and pro-abortion movements. During the event organised by UN Women, a lot of postulations that were voiced were targeted against the family. At the Generation Equality Forum, discussions involved e.g. the influence of the pandemic on “gender inequalities”, and the idea that natural social roles are the main source of violence. The need for further action aimed at imposing ideological solutions on a global scale was emphasised by the President of the UN General Assembly Tijjani Muhammad-Bande.

The event was organised by UN Women – one of the UN entities. It was attended by some member states and NGOs, largely selected on the basis of the ideology criterion. The meeting was divided into several discussions, e.g. on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on “gender inequalities”, the involvement of women in public life and the action plan for the upcoming years (the Decade of Action 2030). During each part, extreme ideological slogans were promoted, calling for far-reaching social engineering, arbitrary interference with family life or the promotion of sexual education. The Forum was attended by representatives of governments, parliaments, social organisations and companies from all over the world, e.g. Mexico, South Korea, Germany, the USA and the UK. 

According to them, the main source of inequalities was mostly the natural differentiation of social roles played by women and men, which the Argentinian Minister of Women, Genders and Diversity Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta believes to be “the main cause of violence”. The discussions also contained straightforward statements that “the man is the main cause of sexual violence” and that “tradition means looking back”. The discussions completely disregarded the objective reasons of violence resulting from social deviance, such as alcohol abuse or family breakdown. Men were presented in an unjust and stigmatising way. It even involved the phrase “unhealthy masculinity”, which was used to describe men who do not reflect the “values” promoted by feminist movements.

The debate also touched upon the so-called reproductive and sexual rights (although they have never been approved by the international society). As part of them, attempts are made at introducing e.g. abortion as a human right into the legal order. Those rights were also combined with the demands of LGBT activists. One of the means that would be used to promote such extreme ideas is sex education. During the event, it was often emphasised that, according to the participants, it is “the best solution to the problem” of the popular model of the family and social roles. The participants pointed out that “respect for sexual rights of women, men and non-binary people should be part of the school curriculum from an early age.” The indoctrination of children would involve not only the promotion of abortion and no respect for the life of the unborn, but also the rejection of the classic, objective biology-determined attributes of the concept of sex, trying to replace it with the extreme term “gender”.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, conferences were scheduled to take place in Mexico and Paris, which were then postponed to 2021 due to the spread of the coronavirus. Their aim was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, which elevated some demands of extreme feminist fractions to the level of an official international debate. However, the conference was not a complete success of the ideological movements – it was reiterated that countries have to reduce the number of abortions, which should never be considered as an element of family planning. In addition, the countries again rejected a separate form of “sexual rights”, which are used to promote the demands of LGBT activists. The aim of the newly organised conferences is to undermine the present international consensus on these aspects and to review the conference findings.

“The event organised by UN Women clearly reveals the actual point of the celebration of 25 years of the Beijing Conference. This aim is to review the conclusions of the Member States, which at that time emphasised that abortion can never be seen as an element of family planning and that countries should counter it. Extreme movements also seek to undermine existing international law protecting the right to life of every human being at every stage of human development, as well as the family and its autonomy. The extreme demands of activists present as the UN Forum is to be promoted not only through law and non-binding documents, but also through all available means, i.e. media, advertisements, culture, NGOs and the business world”, said Karolina Pawłowska, Director of the Centre of International Law of Ordo Iuris Institute.

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